Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Obsidian (cameo)

Obsidian (Aloobsidian in literal translations) (in English: Obsidian) stone gems. It is a volcanic stone comes from the black lava
stones rich silicic acid (Silicic acid), shapeless any non-crystalline, and lacks any internal atomic structure of regular or external form regularly. There is the nature of stone raw surface is uneven or in the form of cracks form Oyster contains silicon. Sometimes contain impurities granted brighter metallic colors of the rainbow. As they appear in the inside sometimes small spots resembling snowflakes so named this form of stone (b (Aloobsidian snow Appearance)).
Of names: obsidian - similarities (Persian label) - volcanic glass - black volcanic stone - stone black glass - stone Alabash.
Use the ancient Arabs obsidian stone powder after burning and washed in order to Akthal this powder to remove the mist from the eye and increase the degree of visual acuity. And now used this stone in the mirrors and pots, beads, rings, jewelery, masks and weapons industry also made him knives, daggers and the heads of spears and sharp blades of cutting parts of this stone. The United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador and Russia, the most important sources of jewelry made of obsidian stone.
And obsidian, a volcanic glass arises naturally, smooth and stiff material becomes more acute when the break of the scalpel surgery makes it very raw material required for the manufacture of stone tools throughout most of human history. In fact, tools made of obsidian has been used throughout the ancient Middle East for a thousand years after the introduction of metals and obsidian blades are still used even today Kmbada surgery in specialized medical procedures. [1]

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